Sunday, January 6, 2013

Another Year Of Trucking Gone

Looks like we all made it through the December 2012 predictions of doom and gloom but no doubt some type of calamity is on the horizon. I surely hope not but did you know that...

On July 14th a massive solar flare hit the earth the second one to hit earth this month.  I had not been particularly concerned with solar flares until I came across some information that was described by Major Ed Dames an ex CIA agent. He claims that he once was the head of a classified operation developed by the military and they had found a way to read certain events in the future called remote viewing. They claim these events almost always take place however they do not have a way to predict the exact time except that they can forecast to a certain degree when things will happen in a sequence.
Remote viewers have actually forecast that the earth will eventually have a massive solar flare strike with enough power to completely wipe out our power grids and leave us without electricity. There are two warning signs that you may want to be aware of, first the North Koreans will set off a nuclear explosion, the next sign will be that a space shuttle probably from Russia will be forced down perhaps from a meteorite shower but the remote viewers can not say for sure.
Either way there is a lot of concern with what has been happening both in the atmosphere and with our economy so each of us must try to be prepared for any scenario that we may encounter and hope and pray that none of these evils befall us and if it does be as prepared as possible to deal with the potential threats. I have heard Major Dames speak and he does feel that prayer is one powerful tool that we may help us. Anyway we can sure hope so, in the meantime I'm going to bring a good bugout bag with me just in case.

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