Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Back To Trucking

Check out the truck fire witnessed by my wife and  daughter a couple weeks ago

Tax or Extortion

 The following is a little rant about the current tax system. Let's start by saying this, when you take something from someone without asking it's usually called stealing but when the government does it, it's called taxes! Why is it legal, because they said so!

Well Neil Boortz finally retired his radio talk show after some forty years of being on the radio and many folks probably do not even realize who Neil Boortz was or what he was about which is really too bad especially for working folks.
Neil and a Congressman had figured a way to rewrite the tax system and turn it into a consumption tax where a certain per cent of let’s say 25 per cent of everything that consumers spend would go for tax revenue. They claimed that this would do away with the current archaic tax system and increase the amount of revenue the government would acquire virtually getting rid of the deficit and giving our government a surplus of funds.
The bill to put the tax into effect almost passed a few years ago except by one vote. This was a somewhat complicated tax to explain in detail of which I do not know all the details. The write up for the tax had a means built into it for middle and lower income families to actually receive a rebate check each month from the government according to how much was spent on food and that type of consumable product.
There are many reasons this type of tax would have been beneficial for our country besides the fact it may have been able to wipe out our debt. For one thing every one would be paying into the system, not just the workers. Workers would take home their whole paycheck not just what the government decided they would keep. The current system has thousands of laws and new ones coming out yearly. The current system gives tax loop holes to business’s that the government likes and lets them pay little or no tax while penalizing the business’s they don’t like. Some of the largest corporations pay no taxes and even get refunds while others pay outrageous fees.
Consider the current system, if you don’t pay your income tax and the government finds out the IRS can seize your bank account and and any existing assets you may have and even put you in jail for as long as they see fit. No one even really knows who these folks are since it is a separate government entity.The government gives your money to who ever they see fit in some cases folks who just don’t want to work and you have no voice in the matter.
Back in the early 1900′s when some one wanted to open a business in some district let’s say the Italian district in New York, they would get a visit from some one or a group of thugs in the Mafia and they were told they had to pay to do business in that part of town for protection from either outside rivals or from the gangsters themselves. If they didn’t pay they were either robbed or beaten or both or possibly killed. That was called extortion and was a crime in itself.
There is a whole lot more that can be said on this issue but for starters let’s just compare the two scenarios above and consider for yourself what you think of the present tax system extortion or income tax

Voices Of freedom Modern Day Patriots

There are a number of talk radio hosts who are tolling the bell for Americans and trying to make them aware that their freedoms are slowly diminishing because of the current whacked out communist style government, complete with thirty something Czars. It is time to take action and that time is now while the criminals are breaking the laws and stating that they make the law, so they can break it, too. I may not agree with everything these radio talk show hosts have to say but at least they all agree that this current administration is breaking us monetarily while at the same time trying to take away our freedom. They don't even realize we pay their salaries any more, nor do they care.They either buy votes or steal them and it is time for just about all of them to go.

The Mark Levin Show 

Michael Savage 

Michael Berry